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2024 Term Dates

We operate four (9 week) terms each year

Term 1 - Mon 29th January to Thurs 28th March

Term 2 - Mon 15th April to Fri 14th June

Term 3 - Mon 22nd July to Fri 20th September

Term 4 - Mon 7th October to Fri 6th December

Please note classes in 2024 will not run during public holidays.​


Classes are Tutored by experienced artists and run Monday to Friday, varying between 2 to 2.5 hours.​ Terms are 9 weeks in duration.

Classes are open to all current year members of the Brighton Art Society. New members are always welcome please enrol via the Membership menu.


Our bookings and payments are through Try Booking System.  These links will take you to the class term booking. 

Please note that bookings are required two weeks prior class commencement.

A sufficient number of enrollments are required for the class to proceed. Mid term starts are possible if vacancies allow however full term fees apply.


Please note, classes in general have a maximum of 12 students. Some classes may have a reduced maximum as a result of Social Distancing requirements Class fees are only refundable if classes are cancelled due to insufficient numbers.

Classes for 2024 Term 4 are now open to be booked.

2024 Term 3 Classes

Acrylic Painting
and Drawing

Paul Anderson

Tuesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Paul is an artist with expertise in acrylic painting & drawing. After a long career as a professional graphic designer, he has accrued a wealth of knowledge to help you improve your artistic skills. Students in this class will be given the opportunity to develop their painting style on material of their choice & learn acrylic techniques.

This class welcomes absolute beginners to intermediate painters.  This class also suits experienced painters who enjoy painting in a group environment.


Oils and Other Media

Elizabeth Paszko

Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Elizabeth has degrees in Fine Art & Sociology, a Visual Arts Diploma and a Certificate in Art & Design. Elizabeth has exhibited in many exhibitions, taught at colleges and other art groups. Students may use other media.

    Life Drawing

    Michelle Zuccolo

    Thursday 10.00am - 12.30pm

    Michelle has lectured in various colleges and universities, and has worked as Art coordinator in New York for theatre production, stage & costume design.

    She has work in collections in Europe, New York, and Australian. Michelle will help you to capture the human figure.

      Painting Oil & Acrylic

      Vivi Palegeorge

      Friday 9.30am - 12.00pm

      Vivi is an artist with expertise across all media and has a particular interest in landscapes.

      Students will be given the opportunity to learn mixed media techniques.

      Weather permitting, outdoor painting opportunities with guidance will be provided to further enhance their painting skills.

      Sold Out

        Vivi Palegeorge.jpg

        2024 Short Courses

        Portraiture - with Michelle Zucculo

        10.00am to 12.30pm

        Saturday 31 August to 21 September 2024

        Four week intensive course for beginners

        Individual instruction will be provided in each class, focusing on proportion, colour, form, space, specific features, drawing concerns and paint handling. This course is suitable for all skill levels and participants can draw, use mixed media and/or paint.

        Week One – Drawing from plaster casts and references/handouts.  Drawing portraits areas covered: Understanding perspective and geometry in the human head, anatomy and specific features on the face, proportion and light source.

        Materials: Willow Charcoal (thick and thin), Putty Easer, Paper A1 size, Bulldog Clips

        Week Two – Working from a model. Exploring the grisaille process working step by step from a toned canvas, blocking up the major forms and shadows.

        Week Three – Working from a model. Further developing key details on the model, including hair and individual features.

        Week Four – Working from a model in a second portrait. Mixing skin flesh colours will be explored using a different approach. Skills and knowledge from previous lesson will be incorporated and extended. These include anatomy, perspective, and retaining vitality of flesh tones.


        Michelle's Experience
        Winner of the prestigious Rick Amor Self Portrait Prize, Michelle Zuccolo has been a finalist in the British Portrait Award, London, Doug Moran National Portrait Prize, Portia Geach Memorial Award, 2020 Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize, The Percival Portrait Prize and Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize. Drawings have been included in the 7th Drawing Biennale, Kedumba Drawing Award, Drill Hall, ANU and Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing.

        Michelle Caithness and Clive Murray-White. Oil on canvas 2021

        Introduction to Watercolour
        with Vivi Palegeorge

        10.30am to 1.00pm

        Saturday 20 July to 10 August 2024

        Four week course for beginners

        Introductory to Watercolour, and is suitable for absolute beginners and those who require a fresher in using this medium.  This course will teach students how to work with watercolour using and developing various techniques .  In this course consist of demonstrations and practice.

        Evening glow, Kings Canyon

        Vivi 1 landscape.jpg

        2024 Workshops

        Understanding Acrylics and how to paint expressive landscapes
        with Vivi Palegeorge

        10.00am to 4.00pm

        Sunday 2 June 2024

        1 Day Workshop

        In this workshop, students will explore the characteristics of the acrylic medium and how to make the most of its unique properties to paint with energetic and expressive brush strokes. Students will be guided through two step by step painting subjects with demonstrations from Vivi. 

        Vivi Acrylic Worshop.jpg

        Skies in Landscapes
        with Maxine Wade

        10.00am to 3.30pm

        Sunday 11 August 2024

        1 Day Workshop

        We all love to paint landscapes and seascapes…..and skies are a part of those compositions. Do you ever have trouble getting it to ‘look right’ or interesting enough? Do your clouds look fake? The weather of the sky influences what is happening in your painting – especially over water. It also creates mood and time of day… artists, we need to harness these things and implement them into our work – in a convincing and evocative way. Maxine will show you how to create more interesting and convincing skies in your watercolours…..and it’s all about TIMING! Certain watercolour techniques enable you to create great skies…..Maxine will show you how! Maxine will bring in examples of watercolour skies to show you, and to learn from. You will paint several paintings over the day and Maxine will provide you with compositions to work from.


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